Einträge in School

Similar to the Waldmorgen except that this is a whole day affair.  The children usually take the Dolderbahn - the funicular tram that heads up to the Dolder hill.  Once they set up camp, the teachers will usually prepare two fires with the help of the kids and their parents.

School, EventsGuest User

The kids head out to a nearby forest for a little hike and are back by noon. When they arrive at the designated spot the kids will have free time to play and eat their Znüni . This activity is also reliant on the participation of parents to assist the teachers on the hike to and from the school as well as to look after the kids while at the camp site. This is a great opportunity to get to know the teacher/s, other parents as well as the kids in your child/ren’s class.

Events, SchoolGuest User

This day-long event is usually held on the first or second week of June, the entire school will head to a sports field or park for a dozen or so activities such as sprint runs and relay races to name a few. This event is heavily reliant on the participation of parents to staff the various activities as well as to record each child’s time on their respective activity card.

School, EventsGuest User
MMM Tag - Mühlebach Morgen Mitenand

During this day the different classes at school visit other class rooms each of which have different activities for the kids to do. The focus here is for the kids to get to know the other classes and people that go to their school to increase the overall community spirit of the school while keeping them entertained with activities that they would not normally do in their own class.

School, EventsGuest User